A Heart To Serve The Foundation of Isaiah 61 Ministries by Pastor Susan Rampi

We started Isaiah 61 Ministries because we felt a "tug on our hearts" to be a servant to many in God’s kingdom and to shine His light into the dark places of the world.  During 1970’s so many people were disillusioned by religious organizations and broken by drugs, family fractions and the Vietnam War.  At the time, Bob and I were a young couple who hungered after the real and meaningful things in life. We knew the truth of Christ being our Salvation and Healer and wanted to share that truth everywhere we went.  At the time we were in the midst of the Jesus People Movement and the Holy Spirit Revival moving across America. 

With the help of our mentors and spiritual parents, Pastors Edgar and Dorothy Asbury, we started Isaiah 61 Ministries and began assisting in church plants and sharing the gospel, and we went wherever the Lord directed.  Bob’s financial background and love for financial matters was a natural fit to assist in advising on church planting and starting other non-profit organizations.

As the ministry grew, we began to assist other ministries throughout the world. Our goal was to maintain a “servant's heart” to all those in need of help in accounting and ministerial practices. This expanded into sharing internationally and providing assistance to missionaries abroad in many countries. In 40 years we have seen the Lord do amazing works from the small becoming big to the unnoticed becoming noticed by many.

The scripture of Isaiah 61 depicts the vision and direction Bob and I felt strongly in our hearts:

The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me,
    because the Lord has anointed me
    to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
    to proclaim freedom for the captives
    and release from darkness for the prisoners

Under this vision Isaiah 61 has helped plant churches and minister where ever the Lord directs. We are thankful for the grace and mercy the Lord has poured out upon our ministry and personal lives with each passing year.  We don’t always comprehend God’s exact direction in the moment but desire to move forward by faith with dreams and visions and leadership.